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Tips for Disease Management

Mid-summer and all in the garden is looking right, but do you have a security plan in place for the guys who show up late to the party? Leaf septoria, Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, Fusarium, all unwanted widespread pathogens that can…

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a close up of a green plant
a close up of a green plant
a close up of a green plant

Preventative Predators for the Outdoor Season

Tips for Using Beneficials Insects in Outdoor Plants Whether you are popping seeds or coming from clones, you can never be too prepared for your plants to go outdoors. There are a variety of biologicals that work successfully outdoors on…

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Root aphids: Out of sight, out of mind?

For the last 6 months, we have been receiving an influx of inquiries from growers on root aphid management, and if it is even possible. We have seen facilities shut down, soil trashed, and thousands of dollars spent trying to…

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Tips For Growing Outdoors

Here are some tips for getting your outdoor garden ready for spring: Planning and Preparation Choose the right strain: Consider your local climate and growing season. Opt for strains that mature within your specific growing window Assess your soil: Understanding…

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a insect on the grass

Eliminate Fungus Gnats Today!

Are you tired of battling fungus gnats? We have some solutions that actually work! Biological control for fungus gnats uses beneficial insects and predators to control the pest population. Some of the most common biological control agents for fungus gnats…

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Species Matter (when choosing aphid predators)!

The species of aphid you have will determine the predator you need. For example, parasitic wasps are very specific in their prey preferences, while generalist predators like lacewings and gall midges will eat a wide variety of aphid species. If…

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